A really fun weekend that will be hard to top next year!
A really fun weekend that will be hard to top next year!
Part two next...
Mashed red potatoes, green bean casserole, homemade rolls, cranberry sauce, and gravy accompanied the turkey and were enjoyed by al-- uh.... those who were not picky. The picky person(s) who shall remain nameless does not enjoy cranberries. But you know what Dad says, "You don't like it? Great! More for me!" We didn't make stuffing, since 3 out of the 4 of us don't like stuffing, which is a majority for non-stuffing-ness, which automatically disqualifies Not Liking Stuffing from the Book of Pickiness.
After several insane rounds of Uno Attack/Attack Uno/Call it what you wish, we broke out the pumpkin and apples pies, and oh my.... Kim makes one of the best pumpkin pies ever! May her mother be blessed and lard too. Her whipped cream even stayed stable from her house to my house to 3 hours in the fridge to overnight in the fridge and sitting on Patricia's counter. There had to have been something special in it. Other than copious amounts of powdered sugar.
I think the four of us will remember this Thanksgiving for a long time. At least until next year.
See how the edges are puffed? Perfect, chewy goodness. And you can smell the vanilla a mile away.
I surprised myself by liking this one. Because I am not a bread-pudding, soggy texture type of person by any means. This was a little different. You had to wait for it to cool and firm up a bit. Then top with whipped cream. Everything's better with whipped cream. Mmm... the plum skins taste like canned cherries. No, not those cherries from the store that are physical manifestations of some chemist's bad dream (although I do like the marachinos once in a while)! I mean the cherries your grandma canned when you were 10 and she must have put kirsch or brandy or something in there to make them taste so strong...
Not only did MaryEllen give me plums, she gave me makeup too! I don't wear a lot of makeup (getting out of bed and on the bus in 30 minutes kind of makes you pare down your prettifying routine, you know?). But I'm excited about MaryEllen's business Ella Rose and I think she's got a good things going. Who wouldn't want to work from home doing something she feels passionate about? And even if I don't wear this ever day, a girl's gotta have a few colors up her sleeve (in her drawer?) to pull out once in a while, right? Right.
Aren't they pretty? Thank you MaryEllen! Now can you come to my house and help me? So my bathroom walls don't acquire the same shimmer as my face?
I use these every day
By the end of this trip, I had completely forgotten about my job and everything else back in Boise. That's a great kind of vacation--a real one! :-) It was a very relaxing, encouraging, and fun time. I loved seeing so many friends and family members I had missed for years. I wasn't ready to come home at the end, but it's still good to be here. I can't wait for next year. :-)