What was the first thing that came into your mind when you read "wallflowers"? I bet your first thought was a high school dance with shy kids standing off to the side, or maybe the 90's band The Wallflowers (which I listened to in high school... this is turning into a high school theme!). Well, I put wallflowers in my bedroom, and the kind I used has nothing to do with either high school or pop bands. They are a decoration!
Being a native Californian (think earthquakes), I have a special dislike for anything hanging on the wall above my bed. I can't hang pictures or anything remotely loose, for fear it will fall off in the middle of the night, bonk me in the head and scare the living daylights out of me. These seemed like a good option...
They are lightweight plastic flowers that come in a multitude of colors (chrome, in my case) and attach to the wall very securely by popping onto little thumbtack nails you tap into the wall. There's not much that could make these fall down, unless you purposely pulled on them of course. Then they pop right off. I got my
Wallflowers randomly at
Flying M in Nampa, but I first saw Wallflowers on
Young House Love, which is a home design blog I frequent.
Young House Love is written by a young married couple living in Richmond, Virginia, who purchased an older home and chronicled every single home improvement project since the beginning on their blog. They've done everything from painting to kitchen and bathroom remodeling. They're a hilarious pair who even get their chihuahua in on the action from time to time. While John and Sherry from YHL admired their flowers' "gentle shadow", I found mine to have a tad more of a "Psycho" effect...
I've decided to just leave the lamp off. *shiver*