12 August 2008

I Love My Dentist

Today's appointment proved me cavity-free for a whole year. I couldn't believe it. This achievement is Olympic-gold worthy, my friends, to a girl who has had at least one cavity at every single dentist visit ever. One memorable visit in my early teens (?) uncovered 5 cavities. In one sitting! Oy. So today I'm celebrating. Because I love my dentist.


Mere said...

I am glad you found love.

NWTrucker said...

Ri, I need your e-mail address.

Uncle Dennis

Ed Hochhalter said...

Finding a good dentist who can take care of your teeth is definitely worth it. I've been to a few doctors and it took me a few tries before I found the right one. It's like finding true love after too many failures. LOL!

Eugenie Velasquez said...

Nice! The best news you want to hear from your dentist is that you don’t have cavities! :) Well, aside from your dentist, you must also give credit to yourself, because all his dental procedures and advice wouldn’t mean much if you didn’t see it through. Keep it up!