09 January 2008

New Year's Eve (aka "Sushi Heaven")

So I visited Anya for New Year's Eve, and as you can see we had the best time ever...

And one of the best parts was this amazing little sushi joint called Yoshino's in Fresno. A.MA.ZING. Seriously, folks, I about died. And not from the raw fish, so wipe the smirk off your face.
This is some sort of caterpillar roll I think, with shimp tempura in the middle. Lovin' that shrimp.

Next up was a California roll with salmon on top:

And the best--this one was almost like dessert because it had cream cheese in it. The Snow White Roll.

We'll be back!


Jessica said...

mmmm... sushi. That first roll looks really good... you can't go wrong with tempura.

Anonymous said...

Sushi? RAW fish? We love you Marie, please don't put yourself in danger like that.